Prototype made in Figma. Developed in Framer

User Interface / Experience and Product designer.

Hi! I'm André. I am a UI Designer at Porto. Based in São Paulo.

Worked for

Some of the most recent companies i worked with.

About my work

About my work

About my work


Data Based/Result Driven Design

Delivering the best experience to the user as well as achieving the business expectations. Focusing on to build the most assertive and best experience possible in order to address the user needs and the business needs.

User Interface


Built for scale

Everything is built with scalable components that results in faster iterations and boosts your product improvement rate.

User Interface

Product Design



Tailor-made experience

Achieve the best experience for the user in every project is my personal goal.
User Experience


Data Based/Result Driven Design

Delivering the best experience to the user as well as achieving the business expectations. Focusing on to build the most assertive layout to achieve its goals.

User Interface


Built for scale

Everything is built with scalable components that results in faster iterations and boosts your product improvement rate.

User Interface


Tailor-made experience

Achieve the best experience for the user in every project is my personal goal.
User Experience


Some of the projects i worked recently :)

Mevo Company

Rebranding and

Design System:

Rebranding and Design System:

Rebranding and Design System:

As a UI/UX Designer at Mevo, we went through a complete rebranding in the company that at the moment was called Nexodata. All of the company products needed to adapt the new completely different branding.

Nexodata was a monochromatic serious health company brand and Mevo goes to the opposite direction of that and this was a pretty interesting challenge.

We built every single component used in the products from scratch with the new parameters and defined the rules of usage for each of them.

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SOS: insurance for the uninsured

In this project, we built an area in the app that gives the user quicks solutions for emergencial situations.
The main focus of this screen is to centrally organize various options for users to address their issues efficiently. This aims to prevent potential frustrations arising from delays in screen transitions during critical moments, such as emergencies. Every section have been carefully planned for optimal comprehension.

In the initial section, we feature the most frequently utilized assistance options, providing users with five solutions to address their issues. Adjacent to this, there's a WhatsApp Shortcut leading to a dedicated emergency chatbot, followed by trusted contacts and general emergency phone number shortcuts that directly open the system dial.

In products such as insurance, users purchase them with the hope of never needing to utilize them. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that if they do find themselves in a situation requiring its use, it provides the best possible experience.

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Product page: Seguro Viagem

Since travel insurance is all about enhancing your travel experience, our approach to the entire page is focused on conveying a sense of peace and security. From top to bottom, we’ve chosen images of stunning landscapes and relaxed people to create a vibe that mirrors the kind of experience you’d want when traveling with Porto Travel Insurance.

Every part of the page is designed to keep that feeling of confidence and calm, making sure you feel reassured and taken care of as you explore the content, just like you would when you’re on a trip with Porto Travel Insurance.

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Want to work together?

Want to work together?

Want to work together?

Or just talk or even play some games together :)

Or just talk or even play some games together :)

Or just talk or even play some games together :)